Love That Comes Too Late

words & music by Doug Howell (8/72)

last night on the road
there was a guy thumbin’ a ride
and I said, “Lord, I’d pick him up,
but I’ve gotta get where I’m
goin’ on time.” I said,
“Can’t it wait ’till tomorrow
when I’ve got more time to waste?”
but the Lord said,
“Do it now, my child,
cause tomorrow will be too late.”

love your brother now, my brother
please don’t hesitate
there’s not a kind of love that’s worse
than a love that comes too late
now’s the time to show some kindness
man, why do you wait?
don’t let the only love you’ve known
be a love that comes too late

I knew a guy who left home
without so much as a word goodbye
he couldn’t care less ’bout
the feelings and the tears of the
man and the woman he left behind
I know that someday he’ll be sorry
’bout the love he should have had
but when the church bells toll
and that house is empty
it’s too late to understand

Jesus is the greatest love
this world has ever known
it brought him down to a life
in flesh and bones
to a death he died alone
but now let me just remind you
that he did it all for you
don’t let your life come to an end
before you’ve said
“Jesus, I love you”

1975 Notes

I think we’re all taught to live as though we had all the time in the world. I guess I felt that way too once. But the Lord tells us what we should already know—that we can’t live in the past and can’t count on the future. All we’re given is the moment. That means everything we ever do has to be done here and now.

Please—let’s start loving.

John 4:35; James 4:13-17

2005 Notes

You can tell this song was written in a more innocent age, too. I certainly wouldn’t encourage people to pick up hitchhikers nowadays, but that’s not really the point. What it means for each of us to show God’s love to those around us—friend or stranger—can’t be put down in a three-minute lyric. It has to be lived, day by day. That hasn’t changed.





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